Additional Power Losses Under Non-Sinusoidal Conditions in a 22 kV Overhead Power Line
power quality, harmonic, non-sinusoidal conditions, measurements, power system, frequency-controlled induction motorsAbstract
Non-sinusoidal conditions in the electrical networks cause active power losses at the fundamental frequency, corresponding to the first harmonic, and at harmonic frequencies, which are a multiple of the fundamental frequency. Non-sinusoidal currents flow through network components and create additional active power losses. One of the non-sinusoidal current sources is electronic equipment used in industrial plants to control process equipment. In Vietnam, coal mines use frequency-controlled induction motors when processing coal. The induction motors consume non-sinusoidal current, which creates additional active power losses in the supply network. The harmonic active power does not perform useful work. It causes economic damage to both the supply network and industrial enterprises. The power supply systems in industrial areas of Vietnam, where coal is mined, are characterized by low power quality. Companies engaged in coal mining and processing are forced to pay for additional losses of active power due to the low power quality under non-sinusoidal conditions, which reduces the economic efficiency of the companies' operations.
The paper presents a review of the literature on the assessment of additional active power losses in overhead power lines at harmonic frequencies. An example of calculating additional losses of harmonic active power is given for a 22 kV overhead power line, through which electrical energy is supplied to the coal grading plant of the Kua Ong-Vinacomin company. Additional losses are calculated using the measurements of harmonic voltage and current at the point of the supply network connection to the 22 kV overhead power line, through which electrical energy is supplied to the coal mine and the coal grading plant. To assess the influence of the electrical equipment of the coal grading plant on the power quality in the supply network, measurements were carried out on 0.4 kV buses of electrical substation of the coal mine.
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