Energy Systems Research <p><em>Energy Systems Research</em> is an international peer-reviewed journal addressing all the aspects of energy systems, including their sustainable development and effective use, smart and reliable operation, control and management, integration and interaction in a complex physical, technical, economic and social environment.</p> <p>Energy systems research methodology is based on a systems approach considering energy objects as systems with complicated structure and external ties, and includes the methods and technologies of systems analysis.</p> <p>Within this broad multi-disciplinary scope, topics of particular interest include strategic energy systems development at the international, regional, national and local levels; energy supply reliability and security; energy markets, regulations and policy; technological innovations with their impacts and future-oriented transformations of energy systems.</p> <p>The journal welcomes papers on advances in heat and electric power industries, energy efficiency and energy saving, renewable energy and clean fossil fuel generation, and other energy technologies.</p> <p><em>Energy Systems Research</em> is also concerned with energy systems challenges related to the applications of information and communication technologies, including intelligent control and cyber security, modern approaches of systems analysis, modeling, forecasting, numerical computations and optimization.</p> <p>The journal is published by <a title="Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences</a>.</p> <p>The journal's ISSN is 2618-9992. There are 4 issues per year (special issues are available) in English.</p> <p>All articles are available online as Open access articles.</p> <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">In December 2023, the journal was added to the list of VAK-approved peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations are to be published in the following scientific disciplines:</span></p> <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and software packages (engineering sciences),</span></p> <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">2.4.3. Electrical power engineering (engineering sciences),</span></p> <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">2.4.5. Energy systems and complexes (engineering sciences).</span></p> <p class="v1MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-US">Indexed by: RSCI, CyberLeninka, Google Scholar, and Crossref.</span></p> <p class="v1MsoNormal">The journal is registered with Roskomnadzor. Certificate Эл № ФС77-84526 January 16, 2023</p> en-US (Alexey Mikheev) (Alexey Mikheev) Mon, 02 Dec 2024 10:26:36 +0300 OJS 60 Methodological Approach to an Integrated Assessment of Systems for Remote Renewable Energy Supply <p>The use of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has become a global trend. According to forecasts of various international energy research organizations, this trend will persist in the future. As resources located near consumption centers are developed, the long-distance renewable energy transportation from areas where renewable sources operate with greater efficiency becomes a more pressing issue. Thus, the objective to establish an energy system using remote renewable sources arises. The study aims to elaborate a methodological approach for an integrated assessment of systems for energy supply from remote renewable energy sources. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is a separate analysis of the main technological processes of production, conversion, storage, and use of energy carriers, with specific attention given to the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. The Technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is used for multi-criteria analysis of various solutions. This study aims to compare different energy systems for a project designed to export renewable energy from Russia (Sakhalin Island) to Japan (Yamagata Prefecture).</p> O.A. Baldynov, S.P. Popov (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Estimation of Active Power Loss due to Supraharmonics in a 22 kV Transmission Line <p>Power systems in Vietnam's coal mining industrial areas supply power of inferior quality. Supraharmonic voltages and currents in power grids serving electric energy to open-cut coal mines were detected by measuring power quality indicators and operating parameters in the power grid serving electric energy to the open-pit coal mine and coal screening plant operated by "Cua Ong-Vinacomin" company. The active powers of harmonics and supraharmonics do not produce any useful work. They induce extra loss of active power. Coal mining and coal processing companies pay for the loss, which results in diminished rate of return for them.</p> <p>This paper offers a review of published research on the topic. It presents the results of measuring the operating parameters and power quality indicators for non-sinusoidal conditions at the point connecting a 22 kV power line to the power system that serves electric energy to an open-pit coal mine and coal screening plant. The active power loss caused by supraharmonics is calculated and analyzed.</p> L.I. Kovernikova, Bui Ngoc Hung (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Diversifying the Business of Oil and Gas Companies in the Context of Global Climate Policy <p>In 2019, Russia, being a climate-conscious country, ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change caused by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. The increase in the emissions is primarily driven by the advancements in energy production. The existing level of technology for processing and using raw materials in many energy industries leads to dangerous environmental pollution and causes an increase in environmental problems. Many companies have adopted their carbon neutrality strategies to use "green energy" based on ESG criteria, which allows them to increase their competitive advantages. Achieving carbon neutrality involves minimizing direct emissions during production processes or shifting to renewable energy sources. The paper examines the transformation of the oil and gas companies towards cutting greenhouse gas emissions and analyzes the mechanisms for achieving decarbonization. To assess the effectiveness of investment projects in the field of low-carbon energy, the paper analyzes an approach and proposes a dynamic simulation model based on a modification of the discounted cash flow method. The model is tested under the assumption that carbon regulation is carried out through the introduction of a carbon border tax.</p> N.I. Plyaskina (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Modeling of Natural Gas Consumption Volumes in China Aided by Machine Learning Methods <p>The paper applies machine learning methods to make projections of natural gas consumption volumes in China. It is critical for Russia as a major supplier of natural gas to China to have a reasonable estimate of possible volumes of exports. This contributes to the proper allocation of available raw materials, reduces the cost of excess gas storage, and also facilitates long-term planning for future trade. These aspects are critical for sustaining Russia's economic security and developing international economic relations. It is possible to estimate possible exports based on the projected volumes of natural gas consumption in China. This study uses machine learning methods, which are considered a promising data analysis tool, to model such consumption. We used multiple models for their benchmark comparison. Ridge regression was used as a linear model, whereas random forest and gradient boosting served as nonlinear models. The simulations performed proved gradient boosting to be the best choice. The study revealed the decisive role of socio-demographic factors, such as the population and the urban area size. The most significant factors were the total population, gas reserves, urban area size, number of passenger cars, and the population in urban agglomerations with over 1 million inhabitants.</p> I.V. Filimonova, V.Y. Nemov, A.P. Samatova, N.G. Akopov (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Utilizing Local Fuels in Isolated and Inaccessible Areas of the Irkutsk Region <p>In the Irkutsk region, the decentralized energy supply zone relies on expensive autonomous diesel power plants for electricity supply and low- and medium-capacity boiler houses for heat supply. A common problem for these areas is untimely delivery and high cost of fuel. A possible solution may be the use of local fuels that do not require costly transportation. An analysis was made to assess the cost-effectiveness of substituting imported diesel fuel used for power generation for local oil and liquefied natural gas, as well as replacing the heat supply fuels with local fuel chips. The study shows that the cost of fuel is the key factor that affects the efficiency of an energy source in isolated and inaccessible areas. Therefore, switching to local fuels is a highly cost-effective option for existing energy sources. By replacing diesel fuel with oil in nine settlements of the Katangsky district, the subsidies to the Irkutsk region can be reduced by RUR 95.6 million annually. The conversion of diesel power plants to liquefied natural gas in six settlements of the Irkutsk region will reduce the subsidies by RUR 41.9 million annually. The study concludes that, given the small population in the communities at issue, the use of wood waste for heat supply is only suitable in four settlements in the Irkutsk region. The heat sources in all these localities are departmental, which means they are not eligible for subsidies.</p> E.V. Gubiy, T.F. Tuguzova (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 An Ontology-Driven Approach to Information Alignment in Estimating Price Elasticity of Electricity Demand <p>The relevance of the work is due to the increasingly cross-disciplinary nature of emerging research problems and the engagement of experts from different domains to address them. This requires that all research contributors share the same perspective on the processes involved. The use of semantic technologies such as ontology-driven modeling allows for concept alignment and structuring of data and knowledge. We rely on an array of mathematical models, each built by different experts, to estimate the cross-sectoral component of price elasticity coefficients of electricity demand. Data exchange between models whose outputs complement each other is critical for solving the problem. To this end, we perform an ontological analysis of information flows between models and provide examples of graphical ontologies thus designed. Our semantic analysis of information flows and the system of ontologies allows the use of these models not only by their original creators but also by a larger community of researchers.</p> T.N. Vorozhtsova, E.V. Galperova, V.I. Galperov (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FACTS Devices to Ensure Operational Reliability of Modern Power Systems <p>The paper examines current issues related to the stability and reliability of power supply in the context of an increasing share of renewable energy sources (RES). Particular attention is paid to operational reliability and voltage regulation during power fluctuations, which is a key aspect for stable operation of electrical networks incorporating distributed RES. The first part of the work analyzes the application of FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) devices in modern distribution networks. The critical factors related to voltage regulation under power fluctuations, essential for maintaining operational reliability, are discussed. In particular, the functional limitations of traditional regulators for voltage control in electrical networks with a large number of distributed RES and flexible loads are analyzed. The second part of the paper focuses on developing the backward/forward method for calculating power flows in distribution networks integrating wind farms. The methodology allows more accurate modeling of dynamic processes in the network and assessment of their impact on voltage and other electrical parameters. The experimental study has revealed that such FACTS devices as static VAR compensator and STATCOM effectively manage automatic online voltage regulation in the distribution network, which is particularly significant given stochastic fluctuations in active power caused by the operation of wind farms.</p> E.V. Kosmina, N.V. Tomin (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 An Algorithm for Locating the Coordinates of Unauthorized Consumers in the Distribution Electricity Network <p>This paper explores operational detection and control of unauthorized electricity consumption (UEC) in distribution electricity networks (DENs) with the Automated System for Commercial Metering of Electricity (ASCME) in operation. This problem pertains to the class of problems characterized by significant uncertainty about the current state of the object under study and the parameters of external disturbances, which are represented by unauthorized electricity consumers. In this regard, in order to reduce the level of uncertainty and obtain additional necessary information about the state of the object, the concept of a virtual model of the DEN is introduced. This concept is intended to describe the desired state of DEN, which is characterized by the absence of unauthorized consumers in the network. A new method and an algorithm for solving the formulated problem based on the concept of a virtual model of the DEN are proposed. Conditions for identifying the current state of the DEN are obtained. Vectors of effective values of currents and voltages of the virtual network are determined. A criterion for locating the UEC is formulated and a computational algorithm for the automated control method is developed. The findings allow enhancing the DEN reliability and can be used to create special software for the subsystem for locating the UEC coordinates in the distribution network as part of the ASCME.</p> Т.Т. Omorov, K.E. Zakiriaev, B.K. Takyrbashev, T.M. Zholdoshev (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Next-Gen Energy Solutions: A Brief Study on Boosting Distribution Efficiency with IoE Technology <p class="Abstract" style="text-indent: 0cm; line-height: 120%;">Integrating Internet of Energy (IoE) technology into distribution systems is a revolutionary strategy to improve energy efficiency. This study investigates the implementation of IoE technology in order to optimize energy management, lower losses, and enhance overall system performance in the distribution system. We look at many approaches to utilizing IoE, such as automated control systems, real-time monitoring, and advanced data analytics. The difficulties of putting these technologies into practice are also explored focusing on interoperability, big data, and data privacy issues. By examining current developments and case examples, we offer valuable perspectives on how to surmount these obstacles and optimize the advantages of IoE in power system. IoE has the ability to completely transform the way energy is distributed by enabling more intelligent, responsive, and effective network performance.</p> Mohammad Parhamfar, Alireza Zabihi (Author) Copyright (c) 2024 Energy Systems Research Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0300