Energy Security and Critical Facilities of Energy Systems: Methodology and Practice of their Identification on the Example of Russia’s Gas and Electric Power Industries


  • Sergey Senderov Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
  • Dmitry Krupenev Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia


energy security, balance reliability, system availability,, crucial facility, electric energy system, gas industry


The paper is devoted to the identification of energy system facilities that are critical in terms of national and regional energy security. Levels of critical facilities of the industry are substantiated and an algorithm for their inclusion in the lists of federal or regional critical facilities is developed. A simulation mathematical model of gas industry and a model for estimating the adequacy of the electric power system of Russia are used to estimate the role of the facility in the system availability. The study involves modeling of the operation of Russia’s power and gas industries for the desired time interval given the factors affecting the operation of the systems. The proposed approach has been tested in the conditions of Russia’s gas industry and the Interconnected Power System of Siberia. The result of the research is a list of critical facilities of the gas industry at the federal level, which includes, along with the facilities of gas transportation network, the main compressor stations of gas fields and underground gas storage facilities, as well as critical facilities of the Interconnected Power System of Siberia.


