An Ontology-Driven Approach to Information Alignment in Estimating Price Elasticity of Electricity Demand
semantic approach, ontologies, price elasticity, integration of models, knowledgeAbstract
The relevance of the work is due to the increasingly cross-disciplinary nature of emerging research problems and the engagement of experts from different domains to address them. This requires that all research contributors share the same perspective on the processes involved. The use of semantic technologies such as ontology-driven modeling allows for concept alignment and structuring of data and knowledge. We rely on an array of mathematical models, each built by different experts, to estimate the cross-sectoral component of price elasticity coefficients of electricity demand. Data exchange between models whose outputs complement each other is critical for solving the problem. To this end, we perform an ontological analysis of information flows between models and provide examples of graphical ontologies thus designed. Our semantic analysis of information flows and the system of ontologies allows the use of these models not only by their original creators but also by a larger community of researchers.
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