Preliminary Estimates of Economic Implications of Small-Scale LNG Airship Transportation to Remote Areas


  • M.S. Gaivoronskaya Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • V.V. Semikashev Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



Cargo airships, small-scale LNG, inter-industry links, manufacturing industry, subsidies, energy sector, remote areas


The paper is concerned with preliminary estimates regarding the impact of transporting small-scale LNG to remote locations via airship on the power output. The main production sites, assumed as sources of small-scale LNG supplies, are presented and the leading airship manufacturers in Russia are identified. The study involves estimating the cost of different options for energy supply to remote areas, including the use of petroleum products and coal. Thus, the effects for the consumer are estimated and the economic implications are assessed with a detailed description of inter-industry links. The study reveals that the manufacturing industry and the energy sector are impacted to the greatest extent. The results of the calculations are however debatable. The success of the project heavily depends on the redirection of currently used petroleum products, whose production makes a significant contribution to the economy and the budget, to other markets. On the other hand, a considerable share of the cost of petroleum products is subsidized, which in the case of switching to natural gas will free up the state's financial resources. Given the ambiguity of the conclusions for the project of small-scale LNG airship transportation to remote areas, other domains of airship use are proposed and described. These include transportation and logistics, the oil and gas sector, forestry, the electric power industry, as well as the social initiatives and housing construction. The paper concludes with future objectives in continuation of the current study.


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