Priorities for the Energy Sector of Buryatia in Long-Term Socio-Economic Development Plans


  • Z.B.-D. Dondokov Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia



Republic of Buryatia, energy industry, strategic planning, investment projects, energy security, cogeneration, thermal power, electric power


This study examines the stages of the energy sector development in the Republic of Buryatia alongside the relevant strategic planning documents. The conclusion is made about the decisive role of the energy sector in the long-term development plans of the Republic. The main challenges facing the energy sector in the Republic of Buryatia are identified, highlighting the importance of completing the construction of the Ulan-Ude combined heat and power plant -2 as a solution.


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