Energy Industry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Development Opportunities, Environmental Aspect
northern region, energy sector, energy supply, distributed generation, environmental impactAbstract
This study reveals the significant difference between the fuel and energy sector in the North of Russia and that in other regions of the country, driven by severe climatic conditions, the remoteness of communities, and intricate transportation networks. These factors constrain prospects for the development of the region and the advancement of its energy systems specifically. To ensure reliable and uninterrupted energy supply, it is essential to carefully consider all energy development factors. It is crucial to take into account the central role of energy in the socio-economic development of the region, as well as the need to reduce environmental impact and ensure the safety of energy infrastructure. According to the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning," the strategic directions for energy development in the northern and Arctic regions should be continually updated. To accomplish these objectives, the theory and methods of the systems approach in energy development studies are applied. Concurrently, it is essential to use tools that ensure the completeness and integrity of the information base for effective strategic planning.
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